Discount program
Are you a craftsman who needs different types of wood materials for your daily work or are you a do-it-yourselfer building a garden house? Then you will appreciate our discounted offer with which you will save a few crowns. We have put together both one-off discounts and a programme for regular buyers of wood materials, i.e. for tradesmen.
Information forwholesale customers
How do I proceed ifI want to get discounts?
Justshop atourPalubka Vencl branchesin Olomouc, Šumperk, DolníLhota and Týništěnad Orlicí orviaour e-shop momentyour turnover reaches the discounts, we will contact you.
Areorders placedthrough thee-shop and in ourbranches counted?
Yes, we canseeyour purchasesvia ehsop and in ourbranches inour system.Alwaysshop in the eshopas aregistered customer .
When buying at abranch,alwaysenteryourIDnumberon whichyour profile cardwillbe createdwhere we will seeyour sales .
What should Idoif Iam anew customer and want to shop with you ?
At anybranch,a member of staff willcreatearegistrationcardwith youwhere you will enter yourbillingdetails. Witheachadditionalpurchase,amounts areaddedto your total turnover .
How do I know if I' ve reached mydiscount ?
In the first instance we will contact you to let you knowthatyour turnover has reached acertain discount. If you wouldlike anoverview ofyour turnover, please contact a member of the customer service team andprovidethemwith yourIDnumber.Your discount will automatically becreditedtoyouraccount and you willreceive the discountoneachsubsequentpurchase. Asyour turnoverincreases, yourdiscount percentage will automaticallychange.
Are discounts limited intime ?
Turnoverstarts toaddupfrom thebeginning of thecalendaryear, i.e. 1.1.2024. Ifyour turnover does not reach the amount of 200.000,-CZK by the end of the year, i.e. 31.12.2024,your turnover will not be credited to the following year. Ifyour turnover reaches over 200.000,-CZK -your discountsremain and are written off to thenext year .
Is itpossible to buygoods on invoice within the discount program?
Yes.In case of long-term cooperation and trouble-free purchases, it ispossible toarrange to purchasegoods on invoice.Wedealwitheach customer individually, so please do not hesitate to contact Svetlana Moskalova (wholesale) by email:
Why useour discount program?
You will have anoverview ofyour turnover andat the same time you willsave money!
We will completeyourorder forFREE via our e-shop andsendit toone ofourbrancheswhere you can simply pick itup .
For purchases over 90.000,-CZK we will deliver your order for FREE to your chosen location across the country.